Men's Monday Night Bible Study
On Monday evenings @ 6:30pm, a group of Christian men gather together in the MMC basement to read, study, and discuss the Bible and how it guides our lives today. Generally, we go through a book, chapter and verse at a time reflecting on the context and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to enable us to grow in effectiveness for the Kingdom of God. Accountability group starts at 5:00pm prior to the Bible study.

Women's Monday Night Bible Study
On Monday evenings @ 5:30pm, a group of Christian women gather together in the MMC family room to read, study, and discuss the Bible and how it guides our lives today. Generally, we follow a Christian book and study guide.

Adult Sunday School
Following worship service and fellowship gathering, an Adult Sunday School is held at 10:30 am to further study various topics or scripture lessons. A variety of methods of learning are used to convey Christian knowledge, disciplines, and life guidance. Classes include, video series, book studies, presentations of Christian content, and scripture reading, study, and discussion. Currently, we are studying the life and history of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Tradition.