About Mauston Methodist Church

Using the Bible as our foundation and authority, we put our faith and love into action trusting the Holy Spirt to bring us to a saving faith in Christ.


Our Church family is a vibrant community of believers who are united by our faith in Jesus Christ, our commitment to following the teachings of the Bible, and our reliance on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are thrilled that you have chosen to join us on this incredible journey of faith in Jesus Christ.

At our church, we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the source of our salvation. We strive to deepen our relationship with Him, grow in His love, and share His message of hope, forgiveness, and redemption with everyone we encounter.

The Bible is the foundation of our faith and the ultimate authority in our lives. We study it diligently, seeking to understand its wisdom, draw spiritual nourishment from its pages, and apply its timeless principles to our daily lives. Through our teaching, worship services, Bible studies, and various other ministries, we aim to equip and empower each member (and friend) to live out their faith in a meaningful and transformative manner.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to cultivate a genuine atmosphere of worship, prayer, and fellowship. We believe that the Holy Spirit is actively at work in our lives, empowering us with spiritual gifts, providing guidance, comfort, and conviction, and fostering unity among believers. We welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence in our gatherings and seek to be sensitive to His leading as we worship and serve together.

As a Church family, we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where individuals from all walks of life can encounter God’s love, experience authentic community, and find a place to belong. We value diversity and celebrate the uniqueness of each person, knowing that we are all created in the image of God and called to unselfishly love one another.

Whether you’re a lifelong believer, a seeker exploring your faith, or somewhere in between, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey of growing in relationship with Jesus Christ, discovering God’s purpose for your life, and making a positive impact in our world. We look forward to getting to know you, walking alongside you, and celebrating the joys and challenges of life together.

Once again, welcome to our Church family. May you encounter the love, grace and transforming power of Jesus Christ, as we embark on this faith-filled adventure together.


Mauston Methodist Church is a member of the Global Methodist Church.

Our Beliefs and Values

The beliefs and values of the Mauston Methodist Church can be fully identified in the Catechism, the Articles of Religion, and document of discipline. These documents can be found at the Global Methodist website. A link is provided in the footer.


As a Wesleyan expression of Christianity, the Global Methodist Church professes the Christian faith, established on the confession of Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God, and resurrected Lord of heaven and earth. This confession, expressed by Simon Peter in Matthew 16:16-19 and Acts 2:32, is foundational. It declares Jesus is the unique incarnate Word of God, and He lives today, calling all to receive Him as savior, and as the one to whom all authority has been given.

How is Someone Saved?

‘Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’ In the day thou believest, thou shalt surely live. Thou shalt be restored to the favour of God; and in his pleasure is life. Thou shalt be saved from the curse and from the wrath of God. Thou shalt be quickened from the death of sin into the life of righteousness. And if thou endure to the end, believing in Jesus, thou shalt never taste the second death, but having suffered with the Lord shalt also live and reign with him for ever and ever.

” The Rightousness of Faith” John Wesley.


The scriptures clearly call for all believers of Christ to love God and love you neighbor. It also calls for believers to give cheerfully of their time, talents, and treasure for the building up of the Kingdom of God through the church of Christ.

Holy Scripture

The books of the Old and New Testaments, as outlined in the Articles of Religion, serve as the primary standard and authority for matters of faith, morality, and religious service. All other sources of authority must be judged by this standard. The Confession of Faith also asserts that we believe the Holy Bible, which includes the Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God as far as it is necessary for our salvation. It should be accepted with the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the true guide for matters of faith and practice. Anything that is not disclosed in or established by the Holy Scriptures should not be considered a fundamental belief, nor should it be taught as essential for salvation.


Eternity is forever which is why salvation is so important. Without salvation every individual soul will be faced with a judgment that will separate themselves from God, forever. During our short lifespan here on this earth, we have the opportunity to hear and receive the Gospel, and to believe and accept the responsibility to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and a participant in the Kingdom of God . This is the only pathway to live in the presence of God for eternity.

Baptism of Christ


“Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth. The Baptism of young children is to be retained in the Church.”

John’s Baptism by water was a sign of repentance. Jesus Baptism is by the Holy Spirit. We are baptized by water (signifying a desire for a new life in Christ) and the Spirit (who transforms us into Christ’s likeness day by day. )

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

Mauston Methodist Church is lead  by a council in accordance with the Globle Methodist rule of Discipline…

Our Interim Pastor: Wendell Williams

Former & Interim Pastor

Pastor Wendell has formerly led this congregation and is currently helping to fulfill the pastor role on a temporary basis, until a new Global Methodist pastor is hired and in place. Due to the recent separation from the United Methodist denomination and new affiliation with Global Methodist, this leadership position is in transition.

Debby Bolig

Debby Bolig

Office Manager

Ben Harrison

Ben Harrison

Council Chairman

Ben Harrison

Ben Harrison

Lay Leader

Linda Pudenz

Linda Pudenz

Prayer Coordinator

Got Questions? Here's Some Answers

Does your church have any dress restrictions or requirements?

We of course suggest that you dress in comfortable and casual attire, however, we do not have any requirements and want people to come as they are. We are much more concerned about the person and their soul and not their physical appearance.

Do you require church membership to take communion in the worship service?

All people believing in Christ are invited to the communion table to partake of the Lord’s Supper. (non-alcoholic juice is served and gluten free bread is available)

Do you have to be a member to be married in the Mauston Methodist church?

Membership is not required to conduct a marriage ceremony in the church. We do however, require that the couple attend pre-marital counselling with the pastor prior to the service. We believe that a Godly marriage is between one man and one woman. No marriage service will be conducted that does not meet this biblical criteria. 

What is your postition  regarding baptism?

Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth. The Baptism of young children is to be retained in the Church

Do you have small groups for Bible study and relationship building?

Yes, we have several small groups for Bible studies and accountability that meet during the week to encourage one another in love. Here is a list to all of our groups <> Add the link

Do you have programs and classes for children?

Yes, we have classes on Sunday mornings for elementary and middle school age children and youth activies on Wednesday night at the WOW service.