Hey there! Ready to dive into the fascinating world of John Wesley? Our 8-week course is designed to make learning about this influential figure engaging and accessible. Each week, you’ll explore a different aspect of Wesley’s life and teachings, all while using our handy study guides to enhance your learning experience. So why wait? Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and deepen your knowledge of John Wesley. Download the study guide and let’s get started!


Early Years

Discover John’s early years of training by his parents Samuel and Susanna in there home. Also learn why John was to have been said to be

“a brand picked out of the fire”. 


College Years

Discover John’s college years at Christ Church Oxford, the Holy Club with brother Charles and others, and his life commitment to the priesthood through the influence of his father.

College Years

Discover John’s college years at Christ Church Oxford, the Holy Club with brother Charles and others, and his life commitment to the priesthood through the influence of his father.


John travels to Germany, then England – studies the Moravian beliefs.